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formacion IMO Ucrania

The IMO Foundation launches a campaign to support and fund the stay of four Ukrainian doctors in Barcelona and Alicante

The number of cases of Ukrainian refugees whose routine has been completely disrupted by the war is increasing in Spain and abroad. The difficulties arising from the conflict also affect professionals from different fields, who have been forced to resign or change their work or training plans, as has recently happened to a group of ophthalmologists from Ukraine who had planned to attend Barcelona Oculoplastics, an international congress on oculoplastics and oculofacial aesthetics, organised by IMO Grupo Miranza from 21 to 23 April.

Given the current circumstances in Ukraine, the course organisers have decided to refund the registration fee to eight registered Ukrainian specialists, but to keep the invitation to participate in the congress. What is more, they have been offered the option of staying for a month as observers at the leading ophthalmology centre. The proposal has been made with three doctors, who are currently in Poland and who will arrive in Barcelona on 21 April.

The IMO Foundation will be responsible for the stay of the Ukrainian ophthalmologists, for which it has launched a special fundraising campaign to help cover the cost of their stay, as well as looking for volunteers to assist the doctors during their stay in Barcelona.

Barcelona Oculoplastics
Ukrainian ophthalmologists who had registered for the Barcelona Oculoplastics congress will have the opportunity to attend as guests, thanks to the initiative of the IMO Foundation.

At the same time, Vissum Grupo Miranza has offered a 6-month stay as an observer to another ophthalmologist from the war-torn country, who will be able to round off her training at the Alicante centre between April and September.

Would you like to help Ukraine?

To support the call, people who wish to volunteer can contact, while a current account has been opened for financial support (IBAN: ES74 0182 4370 8102 0151 5527) and the Bizum code 00413 has been activated (all donations are subject to tax benefits (link), but people who make the donation through Bizum and want to take advantage of this, must send their personal details (name, ID and address) to, as Bizum only provides the donor’s ID).
