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Blanca Poyales

Deputy medical director at Miranza Madrid

Ophthalmologist specialising in cornea, refractive surgery and cataracts.

Specialist in:
* Corneal surgery: in the medical and surgical treatment of keratoconus, penetrating and lamellar corneal transplantation (anterior and endothelial).
* Refractive surgery for the correction of myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism, using all laser corneal techniques; PRK, SMILE and LASIK, and intraocular techniques with phakic ICL lenses.
* Lens surgery and cataract surgery with manual techniques and with Femtosecond laser. Wide experience in the implantation of multifocal intraocular lenses for the treatment of presbyopia and to correct astigmatism.

blanca poyales miranza
College No.28/57675


Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. Complutense University of Madrid (1995-2001).

Medical internship at the Ophthalmology Department at La Paz Hospital in Madrid (2004–2008).

Sub-speciality of the Cornea at the Luis Sánchez Bulnes Hospital for the prevention of blindness in Mexico (2008-2009).

European ophthalmology diploma. FEBO, (2009).

PhD thesis “Optical quality of monofocal and multifocal intraocular lenses in patients who have undergone cataract surgery” at the Autonomous University of Madrid (2011).


Anterior pole department at Innova Ocular IOA Madrid (2009–2019).

Anterior pole department at Miranza IOA Madrid (2012-present).

Scientific and research activity

Different abstracts at national and international congresses and publications, combining healthcare work since 2009.