
What is canthoplasty?
Canthoplasty is the eye cosmetic surgery technique with which we raise and reposition the outer corner or angle of the eye (the point where the upper and lower eyelids converge). Thus, we correct its descent, improving periocular flaccidity, providing greater width to the look and avoiding the appearance of “sad” or “tired” eyes.
The procedures we perform at Miranza’s clinics for remodelling the lateral canthus of the eyelid are performed through minimal incisions that are camouflaged and are virtually unnoticeable.
Moreover, in appropriate cases, we can associate canthoplasty with other eyelid surgeries, whether aesthetic or functional.
Problems treated by canthoplasty
The loss of tone and shape of the eyelid treated by canthoplasty may be due to age, but also to eyelid malposition or laxity caused by trauma, a congenital defect, or a previous poorly performed eyelid surgery.
As it is a surgery performed under local anaesthesia and on an outpatient basis, it does not require admission to the clinic.
The postoperative inflammation and the initial discomfort you may notice when leaving the operating room will be alleviated with the treatment prescribed by your ophthalmologist, who will also give you a series of recommendations, such as moisturising the eyelid area with creams, not putting on make-up, protecting yourself from the sun, avoiding lifting weight or practising certain sports for the first month, etc.
At the Miranza centres we will closely monitor your progress and accompany you throughout the recovery process.